dr jupidu
3 years ago
jon jones :popravit ću se

fist: smršavit ću
3 years ago
Veceras dobra hrana pa poslije toga ja i zena otvorili flasu Pink vodke,skoro citavlu flasu popili,pogledali Closer od dave chapela i onda nesto gledali na yutube...slucajno naletimo na video gdje dvije zenske i dva tipa putuju autom kroz balkan,hrvatska pa bosna pa ce valjda u crnu goru i takoneznam odakle su al pricaju engleski....uglavnom,zaustavili se u sarajevu,sjeli u neki kafic,konobar donosI tacnu,na tacni 4 dzezve kave,4 fildzana,secer,slatko itd, kad ce jedan od tipova kad je vidio sve to :”ohh my god!!!”....konobar na to iste sekunde na engleskom:”its not god my friend,its me!!!l.....ja umro 😁😁😁😁😁👍
It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
dr jupidu
3 years ago

prvo ona prevari dečka zbog njega i to je ok

a kad on prevari nju on je niko i ništa.............:)))))
dr jupidu
3 years ago
moj vic

tamo negdje blizu zatoichijevog sela u bosni bogi iza nogu prohodali par mladih ona se zove suzana a on avdo

i šetaju oni ulicom kad ugleda radnik na cesti koji zna suzanu i kako dizalica visoko prenosi materijal gdje bi suzana i avdo trebali proći i prilično je opasno ako padne materijal ..radnik vikne: ej suzana bježi odavde

kad to čuo avdo koji je tankih živaca ...zaleti se i šakom udre radnika koji padne nazad na beton i umre

i sada avdo guli zatvor na 10 godina a radnik ih je htio samo upozoriti
3 years ago
There isnt a hard time invented that i cannot handle.
3 years ago
Mila majko!!!

It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
3 years ago
za koga navijate, blachowitza ili rkića?
Za popust na IHERB.COM upišite code: WZK091
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3 years ago
Originally Posted by: Zatoichi 

Mila majko!!!

pa sad mi je jasno zašto mene ne zanima nogomet - gledao sam krivi nogomet! 😀
Quod non audit Vuco, penis non elevare.
3 years ago
Sinoc ja i zena imali “date” no ovaj put je bila prava komedija,dok sam se skidao 😁 zena me ustinula za dupe, ja zizljiv,trznem se i nabijem je laktom u celo nasto se ona uhvati za glavu i leze na krevet,pitam je da li je dobro na sto ona rece:
“Two people trying to fuck,koja tragedija” 😁😁😁
It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
3 years ago
Evo jedna za ovaj topic

3 years ago

It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
3 years ago

It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
3 years ago

Na ovom kanalu lepo zajebavaju naše političare ali su izgleda otkrili i vaše 😀
Anyone can win two fights in one night, but it is the third fight that tells you if you have steel balls or not- Don Frye
3 years ago
Aaaaahaha,na ovo mi suze isle 😁😁

It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
3 years ago

Anyone can win two fights in one night, but it is the third fight that tells you if you have steel balls or not- Don Frye
2 years ago

Anyone can win two fights in one night, but it is the third fight that tells you if you have steel balls or not- Don Frye
2 years ago
kad mushoki krene da lomi😎

It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
2 years ago

It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.
2 years ago
jes ovdje onako il si doso da pravis zube 😁

It is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realize that violence is never the answer.